Address Verification Solutions

Frontend & Backend Technology built on Google Maps and Cloud Platform

Address Verification Technology for every business

Customer addresses are a key element for almost every business in the world. From logistics providers needing to deliver a package, to insurance and financial services having to verify their customer residencies or evaluate a property. 

However, identifying the right address can prove challenging as there isn’t a standard structure globally: think of Dubai, where there are no street names or Indonesia, where people use the colour of their door and name of their village to pinpoint their location.

Oni’s Address Verification is designed to solve this problem.

Oni AVW: Front-end Address Verification Widget

Does your platform require your customers to enter and verify their address at any point? The answer is likely to be yes if you are operating in one of these industries:

  • Logistics 
  • Retail & e-commerce
  • Fintech & Banking 
  • Insurance 
  • Government
  • Healthcare 

Oni AVW is built to ensure the best customer experience across all the industries mentioned above, helping you increase fulfilment rates, reduce customer dropouts and speed up the conversion process.

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Oni ACE: Back-end Address Cleansing Engine

OniGroup’s technology can validate and structure addresses from 3rd parties such as retailers and e-commerce providers. OniGroup has developed a backend web service (API) designed specifically to help businesses validate addresses captured from 3rd parties or from systems where there is no front-end validation in place.

  • Logistics 
  • Financial Services                      
  • Telecom
  • Government          
  • Healthcare       
  • Insurance
  • Sales & Marketing    
  • Retail 
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Client testimonials

"OniGroup has exceptional delivery capabilities providing excellent deployment and high quality support. They solved our business challenges where other solution providers had failed. They are a true extension of Google as a Premier Google Enterprise Partner"

"Just a quick note to commend the team for delivering a recent bout of changes with unrealistic timelines. With innovation pieces like Cardless Cash at ATMs, speed to market and delivering on our promise to the customer is key. Your team has certainly played a part in that."

“We are proud to provide this recognition to OniGroup, who has consistently demonstrated sales, deployment and support excellence to our customers.”

I commend you on the quality of the report and presentation. I would like to thank your team for their support, commitment and professionalism during this PoC. There were some challenges along the way, but we eventually succeeded. I am more than happy to provide a reference for future work.

They were excellent in all areas, including visiting all of our offices to conduct face-to-face training and in producing relevant content to support the transition. They also helped us work through nuts-and-bolts activities; such as transferring documents from our previous email and document systems to Gmail and Docs respectively.

Onigroup really understands our business and sometimes even goes the extra mile to give insights on the latest trends in real estate, something that goes beyond their job scope. This shows their high level of commitment to this partnership, which is something we value.

Thanks to OniGroup for inviting us and sharing the latest insights on Last-Mile tech. I was mesmerized by the office, the view, and the electrifying conversations with the Last Mile pros; I almost forgot to take pictures.



Head of Global Partner Programs at Google

Victoria Department of Health

Kings Transport

99 co - Property Search
